Tems: Born In The Wild Tour

Tems: Born In The Wild Tour In Montreal

Event Info

Get ready for an unforgettable musical experience as Tems brings her 'Born In The Wild' tour to Montreal at L'Olympia on September 13, 2024. Don't miss this opportunity to witness the incredible live performance by Tems, one of the most talented artists in the industry. Purchase your tickets now to secure your spot at this highly anticipated event. Join us for a night of soulful music and captivating vibes as Tems takes the stage in Montreal. Buy your tickets for Tems: Born In The Wild Tour today!

Please Note

Tems, a fait un partenariat avec PLUS1 pour qu'un dollar par billet soit remis à des organisations travaillant pour l'équité, l'accessibilité et la dignité pour tous. www.plus1.org /// "Tems has partnered with PLUS1 so that $1 per ticket goes to supporting organizations working for equity, access, and dignity for all. www.plus1.org /// Greenland & evenko présentent TEMS Born in the wild tour Les codes-barres et les transferts de billets seront disponibles 3 jours avant l'événement. Ticket barcodes and transfers will become available 3 days prior to the event


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